Inspiring Conversation with a College Athlete



Something very special happened recently- I got to be on a podcast with an amazing athlete whom I have had the extreme pleasure to coach since 2016.

Rachel Roupe is an elite, D1 college athlete, but she is much, much more than that. She is an incredible person and leader. Her mindset and her habits are what every parent wants for their children and what every coach wants on their team.

Parents and coaches -- I recommend listening to the interview below, facilitated by Dave Vassilaros, Host of the KidFirst Sports Show. In fact, send it to your athletes or listen to it in a car ride with them, parents.

During the interview we share countless gold nuggets such as how Rachel overcomes perfectionism and fear of failure, how she has become the dominant leader and athlete that she now is, while maintaining mental health and a healthy perspective along the way, and much more.


Enjoy and leave a comment below!


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Breaking News: Your Athlete's Pace Will Break Them


If we as parents and coaches do not take responsibility to model and teach the pace of grace to our kids, our kids are headed for chronically impatient, anxiety-ridden, dissatisfied, stressful lives.


They will undoubtedly be crippled forever by the fear of falling behind, not measuring up, not being enough, and this ever-present feeling of doubt and anxiety will overtake them.


Ok, Andrew. What's with the bleak blog post?


My heart hurt after meeting with a 10th grader last week who is experiencing MANY of those things above...


We mapped out her entire weekly calendar and not only is it packed beyond anything I have ever seen, but the message that this type of schedule is sending this young lady is the real issue at hand. 


It reminds me exactly of the circumstances Maddy Holleran faced, a young lady who chose to end her own life in college.


Our Kids Need to See and Experience The Pace of Grace


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