My name is Andrew Simpson. To the right is my beautiful wife Daniela, and our son Jack.

Over the past decade my team and I have enjoyed having the opportunity to coach more than 1,000 student-athletes to more confidence and success. I’ve been able to help over 75 student-athletes make it to the collegiate level and become leaders. 

Healthy, Humble, HIGH-PERFORMING "WINNING ATHLETES" is the goal.



One who:

*Continually makes progress towards their worthy goal

*Grows in passion along the way opposed to having diminishing interest

*Enjoys the journey- no one does things at a high level for long that they do not enjoy

*Maintains positive well-being along the way

  • Physical health: low occurrence of avoidable physical injuries 
  • Mental health: Low anxiety, worry, self-doubt

*Becomes a better communicator, a better leader, more unshakeable to life's circumstances and difficult people

*Discovers and embraces a great purpose of life- to give one’s life away in service for the benefit of others #servantleadersh

It's Not ALL Fun & Games!

Anyone can make sports all about fun and being happy. Anyone can create a beast on the field. But to help an athlete become the highest performing, hardest working young man or woman they can become without experiencing the anxiety, burnout, identity distortion, resentment, stress, and other mental blocks along the way is not so easy.

[*Pictured to the right are 4 of the more than 75 collegiate athletes we coach who are not only playing, but thriving and enjoying the journey. #uncommon]

We have figured out a way. That is what the Winning Athlete Formula is all about and that is why we wrote the book, The Youth Truth: Coaching and Parenting in Today's Crazy Youth Sports World.

This is a new approach for parents and coaches that is guaranteed to strengthen the minds, win the hearts, and inspire the souls of your athletes. Thanks for joining the movement to build up millions of confident, resilient, successful young leaders around the world. Lord knows we need more leaders!

Dedicated to transforming the youth sports industry,

Coach Andrew

Click to Learn More About The Movement

"The Winning Athlete Formula should be a requirement for all coaches to go through. Itā€™ll help their players play better but more importantly, they will enjoy it along the way."

Jim Bass

"My daughter is a goalie, which is equally as stressful for her as it is me! Using the lessons I learned from The Winning Athlete Formula resulted in her being less stressed and upset after games. Thank you!"


"After going through the Winning Athlete Formula I realized I was ADDING to my daughters anxiety and stress before games. This has changed how she feels and performs because I'VE changed!"


"As a former coach and active parent, The Winning Athlete Formula has given me the tools to become a better leader for my kids - both in athletics and academics."

Coach & Parent

"Prior to receiving Mindset Performance Coaching, Megan was inconsistent and would self-sabotage on the court. This has helped her to gain a heightened level of awareness as well as confidence in herself and her abilities. Her physical skills didnā€™t change, but her mind did. She is happier and more motivated than ever."


"Before the Mindset Coaching Program, Jamie had issues with consistency & fear. She struggles with her back handspring on beam. I did not realize there were solutions out there for the mindset challenges in sports. As a gymnast, she has found a new level of confidence. The formula they use really works."


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